Western Horizons Working Dog Club


About Club Training

WHWDC is not like the typical obedience, agility or similar group training clubs or classes where you might expect to pay for the services of a trainer or instructor to teach you. As Schutzhund consists of three phases (tracking, obedience and protection) each phase may take a considerable amount of time to learn. Our members are here to help facilitate your training, to teach you about the sport and offer support throughout the learning process. However, members are ultimately responsible for the progression of their training.

WHWDC trains using predominantly positive methods and incorporates many different techniques for optimum results. Training progress and plans are discussed with each member before and/or after each training session. Individual attention is given to each handler and dog team based on their ability, drive and training needs. As each team is unique, assessments are made and different training methods may be utilized to achieve optimum results. We strive for members to achieve their desired goals and develop the dog and handler team's maximum potential to compete at whatever level or venue they so desire.  At WHWDC we feel that strengthening the partnership and bond between the dog and handler. Being a responsible dog owner with a model canine citizen should be considered the ultimate achievement. Titles and accomplishments are icing on the cake.